How does Probate work?

Applying for Probate can be a complicated process, particularly if you have never had to do it before and whilst you can apply for Probate yourself there are many reasons why seeking professional help is the best choice.

The process is broken down into 6-stages and we will advise, support and navigate you through every step of the way. The 6 stages are:

How do I do Probate?

The first two stages of the process are the most time consuming as an accurate assessment and valuation need to be carried out. During the first stage ,we will also establish if there is a Will to ensure the correct person deals with the Probate. If there is, this will decide who administers the estate and acts as Executor. If there is no Will, the next of kin (usually a spouse, civil partner or child) will become the ‘administrator’ of the estate.

At Penguin Legal we know that this is a difficult time for those left behind and dealing with Probate and the Estate Administration can be legally challenging, time-consuming and imposes significant responsibilities on the Personal Representatives. Our team at Penguin Legal will work closely with you from the outset